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Supra – First European Store Opens | Paris


by gjfd79 2011. 8. 9. 00:18


Supra – First European Store Opens | Paris

It was never about making an initial splash in the marketplace during its launch. Instead, Supra implemented a “steady as you go” strategy as it caters to those who really mattered – the skateboarding consumers. 5 years since its establishment, that strategy of “customers above all else” is still apparent in ’s very first European retail outlet. Coincide with its first American retail flagship in New York City, the Supra storefront is in Paris’ historic district of Le Marais, where it serves the perfect juxtaposition of what is old and what is new. At 50 square-meter, the streamlined store design is both a statement to Supra’s attention to details and to let the product speak for itself. The usage of black mirrors, dark wooden accent, and thoughtful lighting positions give the space an infinite spectrum of backdrops, not dissimilar to a gallery for fine arts.  Besides the full breadth of Supra footwear on display, the Paris boutique also includes exclusive merchandises like Supra Paris tees and the recently launched Supra Paris Skytop

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