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Nike MAG 2011 – Charity Auction Reminder | Today Is The Last Day


by gjfd79 2011. 9. 19. 05:55


Nike MAG 2011   Charity Auction Reminder | Today Is The Last Day

The count down just started. As the clock hits 9:00 pm PST, approximately the same time Nike designer Tinker Hatfield and CEO Mark Parker officially presented the 2011 Nike MAG 10 days ago, the charity auction that was the project’s centerpiece will end. With majority of the bets going around the 4-figure amount and some topping at $75,000, the playing field for the 2011 MAG isn’t your typical one. Then again, its a direct response to Parkinson’s Disease, itself an atypical illness which afflict around 6 million people around the globe. So while in these last few hours, pitch in, if you can, for the good fight along side the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson Research with your bid or just a simple donation to the cause? You have now only 16 hours left and counting. For more information, visit nikemag.ebay.com.

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